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All American enablement of the Gaza genocide must end immediately. America should send no more weapons or money to Israel until either:

1)Israel leaves Gaza, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights
2) Israel agrees to an equitable two-state solution.
3) Israel gives full rights to Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza ending the Apartheid.

(Did you know Suzanne Bonamici voted to give 26 Billion dollars worth of weapons to Israel as recently as April 2024 and voted to defund UNRWA? Click here for more details.)

Free Speech

The right to Free Speech is vital to a free society. The government has no right to restrict the content of our speech outside of imminent and plausible calls to unlawful action.

This means the government should not:
1) Nudge social media companies to restrict “misinformation,” “disinformation,” or “malinformation.”
2) Ban or unreasonably restrict peaceful protests.
3) Use government contracts to restrict the Free Speech rights of contractors and employees outside of their work including their right to participate in and advocate boycotts.
4) Coerce or “nudge” financial institutions to disassociate with customers on the basis of constitutionally protected speech.
5) Ban foreign owned social media companies such as Tiktok.

Second Amendment Rights

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. This means no “Assault Weapons” ban, no mandatory background checks, no magazine size restrictions, and no restrictions on developing technology such as 3D-Printed guns. American citizens should be allowed to posses at least the same weapons as our military because we are the Militia. While hunting and self-defense are good and should be protected, we need to always remember that the true purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to protect our country, both from outsiders and from our own government.


I will not vote to increase any tax or implement any new ones. I will decrease taxes wherever and whenever reasonably possible.

Foreign Policy

The Military should be shrunk to the absolute minimum size necessary to protect the territorial integrity of the United States. I will work to close all American military bases on foreign soil, eliminate the Selective Service system, and bring all “military advisors” home. I will work to end our involvement in entangling military alliances like NATO. I will also work to end weapons sales to countries with questionable human rights records like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, and Israel.

Civil Liberties

.I support abolishing Civil Asset Forfeiture.

I believe the rights of defendants in criminal court should be vigorously defended. Every man and woman should have the right to competent legal representation and a fair trial.

I believe everyone should have the right to refuse any medication including vaccines.

I believe the government has no right to regulate the sexual behavior of consenting adults in the privacy of their own home.

Do you have further questions?

Contact me and I might be able to answer them.